As I live my daily life there is basically one rule I try to live by. Be cool if it's not cool then don't do it. I could list a bunch of small stuff but it would take forever and the strain on my brain would be at critical masses, so I'll just mention a few.
   When you are out always open the door for the ladies' and whoever not just women because that would be sexist. Oh a big one is to smile, always smile because it sends good vibes to people. When you send good vibes you usually get good vibes in return, and it feels good. (…. =) į smiley, my personal fave is the Elvis smileyč@=)…. ) See the hair? Also, if the mix goes sour, slam it real damn quick and play it off real damn good. To explain the ladder: mix, as in DJ mix. When you mix, you take the song you want to play and match the harmonics and the beats per minute to the song that is playing and slowly fade them together as to create the elusion that the song never ended. (True art of a DJ, dance style anyway). Therefore if the precise calculations of the two songs aren't correct then the mix is sour and sounds bad, and in this case you would quickly fade the other song in (slamming). To avoid making a fool of your self you pretend like you meant to do it. (Hehe).*None the less it is generaly difficult to do=(* Never take requests. The only time you take a request is when it is an intelligent one, and it will blend with your format without slamming the vibe.
   Let's see now. Always try your best to think before you speak. Because you could make a complete and utter fool of yourself before you realize what you have done and that really is very embarrassing. This fate I wish on no one cause it has happened to many times to me. Never,I mean never hit on a girl when you are drunk. It makes you look like a complete slobbering moron.
   If you cant buy it off the net with out a credit card,you don't need it. Never talk trash to people on the World Wide Web. They could very well be a hacker or have similar knowledge and trash your computer from the inside out. To the point you have to junk it, is a very real reality and it does happen every day! And last but not least, if it sounds too good to be true, it is. Nothing in life is free, there are no handouts with out a price weather it be money, your Life, or your pride. This may all sound mediocre but oh well.      &nbst&nbst
Peace and Love on Earth.


RIGHT NOW: * somebody is very proud of you. * somebody is thinking of you. * soembody is caring about you. * somebody misses you. * somebody wants to talk to you. * somebody wants to be with you. * somebody hopes you aren't in trouble. * somebody is thankful for the support you have provided. * somebody wants to hold your hand. * somebody hopes everything turns out alright. * somebody wants you to be happy. * somebody wants you to find him/her. * somebody is celebrating your successes. * somebody wants to give you a gift. * somebody thinks that you ARE a gift. * somebody hopes that you're not too hot, or too cold. * somebody wants to hug you. * somebody loves you. * somebody admires your strength. * somebody is thinking of you and smiling. * somebody wants to be your shoulder to cry on. * somebody wants to go out with you and have lots of fun. * somebody thinks the world of you. * somebody wants to protect you. * somebody would do anything for you. * somebody wants to be forgiven. * somebody is grateful for your forgiveness. * somebody wants to laugh with you. * somebody remembers you and wishes you were there. * somebody needs to know that your love is unconditional. * somebody values your advice. * somebody wants to tell you how much they care. * somebody wants to share their dreams with you. * somebody wants to hold you in their arms. * somebody wants YOU to hold them in your arms. * somebody treasures your spirit. * somebody wishes they could STOP time because of you. * somebody can't wait to see you. * somebody loves you for who you are. * somebody loves the way you make them feel. * somebody wants to be with you. * somebody wants you to know they are there for you. * somebody is glad that your his/her friend * somebody wants to be your friend. * somebody stayed up all night thinking about you. * somebody is alive because of you. * somebody is wishing that you noticed him/her. * somebody wants to get to know you better. * somebody wants to be near you. * somebody misses your adive/guidance. * somebody has faith in you. * somebody trusts you. * somebody needs your support. * somebody needs you to have faith in them. * somebody will cry when they read this. * somebody needs you to let them be your friend. * somebody hears a song that reminds them of you. * somebody needs you to send this to them.
Author, Unknown